Categorized as: Boxing

5 Tips To Help Keep Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions


New year new me.

A lot of us say that each January 1st. And a lot of us say the new me is going to get in better shape.

Making a resolution to get in better shape has been proven to be easier said than done. 37% of 20 year olds will succeed with their fitness goal. And only 16% of people over 50 will succeed with theirs. Not good odds by any means. But by following these tips, it might just increase your odds of succeeding.

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Top 5 Health Benefits of Boxing


Top Benefits of Boxing

Boxing as a sport requires a high level of athletic prowess: strength, speed, agility, hand-eye coordination, endurance, nerve, and power, just to name several required attributes. Boxing as a fitness activity enables the average person to hone those same athletic skills, all without having to take a punch.
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Should you wear hand wraps for Muay Thai?


<<The content in the article below was originally written by and for >>

Chances are that at some point towards the beginning of your training you were told you need hand wraps to wear underneath your gloves. Hand wraps of course make your hand safer, but not many people actually know how they do that.

How can hands get damaged?

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The Art of the Jab


What makes a jab special and what does the jab do?

The jab is quick, fast, and it sets up your shots. People with excellent jabs have calm and relaxed jabs that hit like a small spark of power and hit very accurately. Jabs can be made stronger by stepping forward, or using proper timing with proper footwork and effective angles. Your jab should be strong enough to stop your opponent in the middle of a combination. No more, no less. From there, your jab should set you up to throw your power punches. When used defensively, a jab can make space, keep your opponents away, and distract your opponent while you slide off the ropes.
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New to Boxing? Here Are 16 Tips To Make You Better



    1. Stay calm and punch lighter on the bag so you can last more rounds, keep your form together, and punch sharp. This will allow you to get in more minutes of quality bagwork. You want to have energy to hit the bag with correct form and keep your punches snappy, instead of spending most of your bagwork panting and huffing to show that you have “heart”. Don’t waste energy showing off on the bag – nobody cares. Read More